Welcome to ArcaneSmith

An exhilarating 2D survival game where you step into the shoes of a powerful mage.

About the Game

ArcaneSmith draws inspiration from the thrilling gameplay of Vampire Survivors, offering a simple yet challenging mission: Survive as long as you can against relentless waves of enemies.

  • Intense Survival Experience: Navigate through an ever-changing battlefield filled with mobs that spawn in increasingly difficult waves.
  • Bullet Hell Mechanics: Face a constant barrage of projectiles that demand sharp reflexes and strategic movement.
  • Epic Boss Battles: Every five minutes, a formidable boss appears to test your skills and resilience. Survive this encounter, and another, even tougher boss will challenge you at the eight-minute mark. The battles become more intense the longer you survive.
  • Level Up and Upgrade: Defeat enemies to gain experience and unlock new abilities. Upgrade your skills to enhance your power and adapt to the increasingly dangerous environment.

Prototype Status

ArcaneSmith is currently in the prototype stage. We highly value player feedback to shape the game's development. Share your thoughts and experiences to help us create a more refined and engaging experience. Your feedback is crucial in making ArcaneSmith the best it can be.

Dive into the world of ArcaneSmith and see how long you can survive the magical onslaught!

Tags: #2D #Survival #Mage #BulletHell #BossBattles #LevelUp #Prototype #Action #Adventure #Magic #Fantasy #IndieGame #Arcade #Challenging #WaveSurvival


Move W, A, S, D
Interact E
Updated 7 days ago
Published 22 days ago
GenreAction, Survival
Made withGodot
Tags2D, Bullet Hell, Pixel Art
Average sessionA few seconds

Development log

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